Administration of the University of Texas at Tyler


Rodney H. Mabry

Interim Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs

Ross Sherman

Vice President for Business Affairs

Jesse Acosta

Vice President for University Advancement

Jerre Iversen

Vice President for Student Affairs

Howard Patterson

Vice President for Technology

Sherri Whatley

Vice President for Research and Technology Transfer

Michael Odell

Vice Provost and Dean of The Graduate School

William Geiger

Dean, College of Arts and Sciences

Martin Slann

Dean, College of Business and Technology

James Lumpkin

Interim Dean, College of Education and Psychology

Wes Hickey

Dean, College of Engineering and Computer Science

James Nelson

Dean, College of Nursing and Health Sciences

Yong "Tai" Wang

Dean, Ben and Maytee Fisch College of Pharmacy   

Lane Brunner

University Attorney

Michael Donley

University Registrar

Sonja Morale

Assistant Vice President, Enrollment Management and Marketing

Sarah Bowdin

Assistant Vice President for Student Affairs and Dean of Students

Ona Tolliver

Associate Vice President for Business Affairs and Director, Human Resources

Joe Vorsas

Assistant Vice President, Facilities Management

Chip Clark

Director, Compliance, Contracts and Risk Management

Lee Murray

Director, Cowan Center

Susan Thomae-Morphew

Director, Environmental Health and Safety

Paula Tate

Interim Director, Financial Services

Cindy Troyer

Director, Audit Services

Lou Ann Viergever

Director, Library

Jeanne Standley

Director, News and Information

Beverley Golden

Director, Student Services

Kim Harvey-Livingston

Director, UT Tyler Longview University Center

Van Patterson

Director, UT Tyler Palestine Campus

Carol Andersen

Chief of University Police

Michael Medders