Health Studies or Kinesiology Minor

Health studies or kinesiology may be chosen as a minor to satisfy certain baccalaureate degree programs with majors in other fields. The courses normally required for a minor in health studies (18 hours) and a minor in kinesiology (18 hours plus eight semester hours of anatomy and physiology) are listed below. A student desiring to pursue a minor in health studies with a major in psychology or nursing should see an adviser in Health and Kinesiology for an alternate curriculum prior to starting pursuit of the minor.


Health Studies Minor

ALHS 3302Human Diseases

ALHS 3362Behavioral Health

ALHS 4304Program Design and Evaluation

ALHS 4306The Health Care Delivery System

HECC 4308Ethics

HECC 4333Tests and Measurements

Kinesiology Minor

BIOL 2301Anatomy and Physiology I [TCCN: BIOL 2301]

BIOL 2101Anatomy and Physiology I Laboratory [TCCN: BIOL 2101]

BIOL 2302Anatomy and Physiology II [TCCN: BIOL 2302]

BIOL 2102Anatomy and Physiology II Laboratory [TCCN: BIOL 2102]

KINE 3306Fitness Assessment Skills

KINE 3311Physiology of Exercise

KINE 3112Physiology of Exercise Laboratory

KINE 3331Human Motor Control and Learning

KINE 3132Human Motor Control and Learning Laboratory

KINE 3334Biomechanics and Anatomical Kinesiology

KINE 3135Biomechanics and Anatomical Kinesiology Laboratory

Elective(s) approved by advisor (3 hrs.)