Pre-Law Minor

The Pre-Law minor is an 18-hour interdisciplinary minor designed to prepare students for the post-undergraduate study of law. It consists of 12 hours of required core courses and 6 hours from a list of selected electives. Courses taken to fulfill requirements for a major cannot be applied to the minor.

PLEASE NOTE: Students intending to apply to law school should not take any undergraduate course on Pass/Fail or CR/NC basis. Pass (P) is typically interpreted as a "C" or "D"; CR is typically interpreted as a "C"; and an NC as an "F".

Degree Requirements

Core Courses (12 hrs.):

POLS 3321Jurisprudence


POLS 4320The Judicial System and Process

POLS 4321American Constitutional Law


POLS 4322The Law of Civil Liberties

CRIJ 3325Law and Society


CRIJ 3326Criminal Law

ENGL 3308Writing Textual Analysis


ENGL 4380The Language of Argument

Electives (6 hrs.):

POLS 3300United States Constitutional Development

BLAW 3301Business Law and Social Responsibility

BLAW 3306Business Law

BLAW 4340Business and Professional Ethics

CRIJ 3310Ethical Issues in Criminal Justice

CRIJ 4341Criminal Procedure

CRIJ 4345Evidence

CRIJ 4350Comparative Criminal Justice

CRIJ 4360Topics In Criminal Justice

MCOM 3318Media Law and Ethics

POLS 3321Jurisprudence


POLS 4320The Judicial System and Process

POLS 4321American Constitutional Law


POLS 4322The Law of Civil Liberties

POLS 4350International Diplomacy, Law, and Organization

SOCI 4311Majority-Minority Relations

SPCM 3325Persuasive Communication

SPCM 4326Public Speaking

SPCM 4328Corporate and Legal Advocacy

POLS 3321, POLS 4320, POLS 4321, and POLS 4322: If not already taken to fulfill core courses requirement.