Student Right-To-Know and Campus Security Act

In compliance with the Student Right-to-Know and the Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act (the Act), UT Tyler collects specified information on campus crime statistics, campus security policies, and institutional completion or graduation rates.

Pursuant to the federal law, alleged victims of violent crime are entitled to know the results of campus student disciplinary proceedings concerning the alleged perpetrators.

UT Tyler makes timely reports to the campus community on crimes considered to be a threat to students and employees and reported to the campus police or local police agencies. These alerts are distributed by a variety of means including campus bulletin boards, e-mail, website and in certain cases, text messaging.

UT Tyler publishes and distributes an annual report of campus security policies and crime statistics to all current students and employees; provide copies of the report to applicants for enrollment or employment upon request; and submit a copy of the report to the Department of Education. The annual campus crime statistics report references crimes that occur on property owned or controlled by UT Tyler. Hard copies of the report are available at the University Police Department upon request; electronic copies are available at

UT Tyler publishes in the annual security report its policy regarding sex-related offenses, including sexual assault prevention programs, education programs to promote awareness of sex offenses, administrative disciplinary procedures and sanctions for offenders, and counseling and student services for victims. Any law enforcement information provided by state law enforcement agencies concerning registered sex offenders may be obtained from the UT Tyler Police Department at 903.566.7060.

UT Tyler calculates and discloses institutional completion or graduation rates to all prospective and current students annually via the Office of the Registrar. Prior to the offer of athletics-related student aid to a potential student athlete, UT Tyler will provide information on graduation rates specified by the Act to the prospective student and to the student’s parents and coach.