Chemical Engineering B.S.

Degree Requirements

Freshman Year

First Semester (16 hours)

ENGR 1201 Intro to Engineering
ENGL 1301 College Composition I
MATH 2413 Calculus I
CHEM 1311 General Chemistry I
CHEM 1111 Chemistry Lab I
HIST 1301 US History I

Second Semester (15 hours)

ENGL 1302 College Composition II
MATH 2414 Calculus II
CHEM 1312 General Chemistry II
CHEM 1112 Chemistry Lab II
PHYS 2325 University Physics I
PHYS 2125 Physics I Lab

Sophomore Year

First Semester (17 hours)

PHIL 2306 Introduction to Ethics
SPCM 1315 Fundamentals of Speech
CHEN 2310 Intro to Chem Eng
MATH 3404 Multivariable Calculus
CHEM 3342 Organic Chemistry I
CHEM 3143 Organic Chemistry I Lab

Second Semester (17 hours)

CHEN 2320 Chem Eng Mechanics
CHEN 3301 Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics I
CHEM 3344 Organic Chemistry II
CHEM 3145 Organic Chemistry Lab II
PHYS 2326 University Physics II
PHYS 2126 Physics II Lab
MATH 3305 Differential Equations

Junior Year

First Semester (16 hours)

MENG 3310 Fluid Mechanics
CHEN 3302 Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics II
CHEM 3310 Analytical Chemistry
CHEM 3111 Analytical Chemistry Lab
CHEN 3310 Chem Eng Materials
ECON 2301 Principles of Macroeconomics
ECON 2302 Principles of Microeconomics

Note on CHEN 3310 and CHEM 3311: Students with Biochemical Engineering and Environmental Engineering electives can substitute CHEM 4334 Biochemistry I and CHEM 4135 Biochemistry Laboratory

Second Semester (16 hours)

CHEM 3352 Physical Chemistry
CHEM 3153 Physical Chemistry Lab
MENG 3316 Heat Transfer
CHEN 3320 Mass Transfer
CHEN Approved Elective 3 hrs.
CORE - Creative Arts 3 hrs.

Senior Year

First Semester (16 hours)

CHEN 4310 Separation Processes
CHEN 4320 Chem Eng Lab
CHEN 4330 Process Safety
CHEN Approved Elective 3 hrs.
POLS 2306 Introductory TX Politics
ENGR 4109 Senior Seminar
ENGR 4009 FE Exam Prep

Second Semester (15 hours)

CHEN 4340 Reactor Design
CHEN 4350 Plant Design
CHEN 4360 Chem Eng Lab II
HIST 1303 History of Technology and Innovation in US Society since 1865
POLS 2305 Introductory American Govt

Approved Chemical Engineering Electives:

CHEN 3370 Energy Processes I
CHEN 4370 Energy Processes II
CHEN 3380 Biochemical Engineering Fundamentals
CHEN 4371 Biochemical Engineering Design
CENG 3371 Introduction to Environmental Engineering
CENG 4371 Environmental Engineering Design
MENG 3319 Materials Science and Manufacturing
MENG 4320 Design for Manufacturing