Graduate Certificate Program in Global Health (Online)

The Global Health Certificate (GHC) program is designed to advance the knowledge and capabilities of individuals who have a baccalaureate degree and who have an interest in understanding health issues that transcend national boundaries. Learning activities focus on human diversity, and are designed to prepare students to better serve the health needs of people at home and abroad. Required and elective course material will address the biological, social, cultural, and environmental determinants of health in sub populations in the United States, such as immigrants, refugees and other minorities. At the global level, students will study diseases and conditions that impact people in lower and middle-income countries, the health systems that serve them, and the available resources for improving their health and wellbeing.     


Students accepted for the Graduate Global Health Certificate (GHC) will have completed a baccalaureate degree with a grade point average of at least 3 on a 4-point scale.  

The Curriculum (15 credit hours - 5 courses)

Each required course and elective course has a set of specific student learning objectives (SLO) for GHC students. The objectives emphasize health-related diversity from a global perspective. Students enrolled in the GHC program will be specifically evaluated on their mastering of these objectives in instructor generated quizzes and exams and in a culminating comprehensive final exam.  

Required Courses (9 hours - 3 courses)

Note: GHC students must take the courses designated “R1” but may select either of the two courses designated R2.

R1 Courses

ALHS 5335Global Health

ALHS 5365Theories and Models in Health Behavior

R2 Courses

ALHS 5305Program Design and Evaluation

ALHS 5347Epidemiology

Elective Courses (choose 6 credit hours - 2 courses)

Students are encouraged to use the elective requirements to develop breadth or depth in their particular interest areas. 

Note: Credit for required and elective courses may not be awarded for graduate level courses from the student's required core curriculum for a graduate degree program completed at a university other than the University of Tyler at Texas. There may be exceptions to this policy pending approval by the department chair.   

ALHS 5323Global Foodways

ALHS 5336Exploring Disease and Disability through Literature and Art

ALHS 5326Health and Human Sexuality

ALHS 5347Epidemiology