EDUC 1389 Contemporary World Issues

Students will explore interconnected global issues of public education, climate change, and corporate social responsibility and how to craft and write effective arguments about these issues using the tools of classical and modern rhetoric. Students will critically think about these issues, quantitatively explore data, and communicate results through written and oral products. This course will engage students in reading, writing, critical thinking, communication, and collaboration as they address contemporary discoveries, practices, and related issues from around the world. This course will address the Core Objectives of Critical Thinking Skills, Communication Skills, Empirical and Quantitative Skills, Social Responsibility, and Personal Responsibility within UT Tyler’s Core Component Area Option of Human Expression and the foundational Component Area of Language, Philosophy and Culture.


Students will be identified by UT Tyler Academic Success as being eligible to take this course. (These students will be those who have not taken the Bridge's program or who were not successful in the Bridge's Program.)