The Coordinated Nursing M.S.N./M.B.A.

Students enrolling for this coordinated degree option must meet the admission requirements listed elsewhere in this catalog for both Business Administration and Nursing. Students complete a total of 57-60 SCH depending upon whether the thesis or non-thesis option is selected. Both the MSN and MBA degrees are awarded simultaneously at graduation.

Degree Requirements (MSN-MBA)

Required Courses

NURS 5312Nursing Theory

NURS 5308Contemporary Healthcare Ethics

NURS 5320Research Design

NURS 5356Health Promotion in Individuals and Communities

NURS 5331Leadership in the Healthcare Environment

NURS 5335Legal, Regulatory, and Financial Management

NURS 5337Nursing Administration: Delivery of Care

NURS 5334Professional Scholarship


NURS 5395Thesis

ACCT 5300Accounting Concepts and Processes

ACCT 5320Accounting for Management Control

ECON 5300Economic Concepts and Processes

ECON 5340Economics of Public Policy

FINA 5320Advanced Financial Management

MANA 5305Decision Making in Operations Management

NURS 5317Graduate Statistics for Health Providers

MANA 5350Strategic Human Resources Management

MANA 5320Leading and Managing People

MANA 5360Global Business Perspectives

MANA 5395Formulating and Implementing Strategy

MARK 5370Health Care Marketing in Contemporary Society

MANA 5395: after 27 hrs.

NOTE: See COLLEGE OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION AND TECHNOLOGY catalog section for further information.

Total Credit Hours: 57-60

Graduation Requirements

All candidates for the Master of Science in Nursing degree at The University of Texas at Tyler must meet the following requirements:

  1. A minimum grade-point of 3.0 on all graduate level work taken at UT Tyler. No course with a grade below “B” may be applied toward this degree.
  2. Nursing courses within the MSN curriculum may be repeated only once. Only two courses may be repeated.
  3. Satisfactory completion of all degree requirements including either NURS 5334 Professional Scholarship or NURS 5395 Thesis.